How Much Does A Termite Treatment Cost?

Before we discuss the cost of a termite treatment, let’s take into account how it is that termites are responsible for billions of dollars in structural damages. Each year in the Australia., homeowners face costly repairs for termite damage that is rarely covered by insurance. Unfortunately, we are situated in a heavy termite activity zone, which means it’s not necessarily a matter of if, but when, termites will invade homes in our region. Really, the question is can you afford not to protect your home against these pests?The cost of termite control depends on several factors including the size of the structure, the type of construction and the severity of the infestation. When you reach out to Sydney Eco Pest, we’ll consult with you to determine the treatment option that is best for you. We’ll explain our process and provide you with an accurate treatment cost.

Residential Termite Control

Expert Termite Control For Homes In Sydney

As the termite exterminator of choice for Sydney, we have been entrusted to protect thousands of area homeowners from the threat of termites and the costly damage they leave behind.  With guaranteed termite treatment services that you can count on year after year... to get rid of termites and keep them out... contact Sydney Eco Pest control.

You Have A Termite Problem, Now What?

If you have detected termites in your home or have uncovered signs of termites, our professionals can help to consult with you about the best termite treatment options available for your biggest investment. Our approach to home termite control effectively eliminates active termite infestations and prevents new termite colonies from establishing. Here’s how it works:

Initial Inspection

First, we’ll thoroughly inspect your residence and property for signs of termite activity, conduct a termite damage assessment and identify conditions conducive to termite infestations.

Continuous Monitoring For New Termite Activity

We will continue to monitor the Sentricon™ System with Always Active™ to protect your home against future termite infestations and replenish bait as needed.

The Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System With Always Active Technology

Experienced termite control professionals will strategically place termite bait stations in the soil around the home. Recruit HD, the active ingredient in each bait station, has been scientifically proven to eliminate an entire termite colony—comprising of thousands of wood damaging insects—with as little as one tube of bait. Once the system is installed, the bait is immediately available to foraging termites. Termites will then share the bait until the total colony is eliminated, including the queen, with no harmful chemicals left behind.

Home Pest Control Programs That Include Termite Solutions

Preferred Care Plus Pest Control + Termite Monitoring

With Preferred Care Plus we give you unparalleled protection from common household pests like crickets, spiders, ants, and wasps plus the additional benefit of termite monitoring. If protecting your home and your furnishings from termite damage is important to you, this plan is right for you. During the initial service our pest control professional will inspect inside and out, perform treatment for your problem pests and install Halo™ termite monitoring devices in the soil around the perimeter of your home. Proactive exterior treatments and termite monitoring continue once every quarter. Pest Free Pledge service guarantee.

1. Up to 4 Services Per YearYear-Round Coverage
2. Pest Free Pledge Guarantee
3. Exterior Perimeter Treatment
4. Interior Service Guarantee
5. Exterior Spider De-Webbing
6. Exterior Rodent Prevention
7. Halo Termite Monitoring

Trusted by over 1,000+ Homes & Businesses

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Still not sure what service you need? Call Sydney Eco Pest today!

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